Tuam Tshoj Pathogenic Microorganism Detector Kit manufacturers thiab lwm tus neeg |Jianma

Tuam Tshoj Pathogenic Microorganism Detector Kit manufacturers thiab lwm tus neeg |Jianma

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Cov koob no yog cov khoom lag luam ntawm "NAVID", lub tuam txhab niam txiv ntawm Janma gene.
Cov khoom no yog siv rau kev tshawb nrhiav thiab tshuaj xyuas cov khoom noj uas muaj cov kab mob pathogenic xws li staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli O157: H7, listeria monocytogenes, vibrio parahaemolyticus, salmonella thiab bacillus cereus.

Product Detail


Khoom cim npe

Khoom Catalog:


Kev faib tawm Kev siv Khoom Specification
Isothermal Fluorescent Method PAB 1101 Staphylococcus aureus Nucleic Acid Detection Kit 48 Test / Kit
PAB 1102 Escherichia coli O157: H7 Nucleic Acid Detection Kit 48 Test / Kit
PAB 1104 Listeria Monocytogenes Nucleic Acid Detection Kit 48 Test / Kit
PAB 1105 Vibrio Parahemolyticus Nucleic Acid Detection Kit 48 Test / Kit
PAB 1116 Salmonella Nucleic Acid Detection Kit 48 Test / Kit
PAB 1117 Bacillus cereus Nucleic Acid Detection Kit 48 Test / Kit
Isothermal Colorimetric Method TSI 1101 Staphylococcus aureus Nucleic Acid Detection Kit 48 Test / Kit
TSI 1102 Escherichia coli O157: H7 Nucleic Acid Detection Kit 48 Test / Kit
TSI 1104 Listeria Monocytogenes Nucleic Acid Detection Kit 48 Test / Kit
TSI 1105 Vibrio Parahemolyticus Nucleic Acid Detection Kit 48 Test / Kit
TSI 1116 Salmonella Nucleic Acid Detection Kit 48 Test / Kit
TSI 1117 Bacillus cereus Nucleic Acid Detection Kit
48 Test / Kit


Kev txheeb xyuas txoj cai:Cov khoom siv no yog ua raws li cov txheej txheem degenerative npuas mediated chain exchange amplification technique (SEA Technology) induced by DNA “respiration” to detect target nucleic acid DNA and RNA.



1. Cov tshuaj tiv thaiv ceev ceev thiab tsis tas yuav tsum tau tos ntev.

2. Kev ua haujlwm yooj yim thiab txhais lus nrawm.

Isothermal fluorescence ntsuas:ND 200 ibSothermal fluorescence ntes, ND 260, ND360 PCR ntes, Gentier 48S PCR ntes, ABI 7500, CFX96 thiab lwm yam PCR ntes.

Colorimetric cov cuab yeej txhawb nqa: ND 300iSothermal colorimetric detector, hlau da dej, thiab lwm yam.

3. Cov rhiab heev, cov khoom siv no tuaj yeem txheeb xyuas cov tsiaj uas muaj feem ntau tsis pub tsawg dua 1%.

4. High precision, tsim primer tshwj xeeb, muaj peev xwm ntawm amplification ntawm lub hom phiaj nrhiav kom paub tsis ua rau amplification ntawm lwm yam tsiaj-derived Cheebtsam, txo qhov tshwm sim ntawm tsis tseeb zoo.


  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

  • Q1.Koj qhov zoo dua yog dab tsi?
    Kev ua lag luam ncaj ncees nrog tus nqi sib tw thiab kev pabcuam tshaj lij ntawm cov txheej txheem xa tawm.

    Q2.Koj txoj kev xa khoom yog dab tsi?
    Nyob ntawm koj, koj tuaj yeem xaiv los ntawm huab cua lossis hiav txwv, Koj tuaj yeem xaiv nthuav qhia.

    Q3.Koj puas tuaj yeem muab kev lees paub ntawm koj cov khoom?
    A: Yog, ib xyoos pub dawb.peb txuas ntxiv 100% txaus siab lav rau txhua yam khoom.

    qw 4.4.Puas muaj feem cuam tshuam rau cov khoom lag luam?
    Yog, peb muaj kev koom tes nrog ntau lub tuam txhab paub zoo.

    Q5.Kuv tuaj yeem tuaj xyuas koj?
    Tseeb, txais tos koj tuaj xyuas peb lub Hoobkas txhua lub sijhawm.

    Q6.Yuav ua li cas txog lub sijhawm khoom xa tuaj?
    Nws yuav siv li 10-30 hnub kom tiav qhov kev txiav txim.Tab sis lub sij hawm pes tsawg yog raws li qhov xwm txheej tiag tiag thiab koj qhov kev txiav txim kom muaj nuj nqis.

    Q7.Koj lub Hoobkas ua li cas txog kev tswj xyuas zoo?
    Tag nrho cov khoom muag yuav raug kuaj hauv 100% kom paub tseeb tias tsim nyog thiab kav ntev, thiab tag nrho cov haujlwm ua raws li ISO9001.

    Q8.Koj lub tuam txhab them nyiaj dab tsi?
    T / T, 100% L / C thaum pom, Nyiaj Ntsuab, Western Union tau txais tag nrho yog tias koj muaj lwm yam kev them nyiaj, thov hu rau kuv.

  • Yam khoom